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I help empower talented and good looking people (like you!) create their online offer in just a week.

Create your online offer in 7 days is an
actually affordable,
hyper focused,
step by step
and marketing support
to help you confidently launch an offer
that will actually generate sales


Imagine, you wake up, check your phone and you have new registrations!

That’s cash-money in the bank from amazing ideal clients you get to work with.

With a happy sigh you swing your feet over the edge and stand up. You’re actually excited to get to work. Today you will use your talents, gifts and expertise to serve your clients AND pay the bills.

Since you launched your offer you have been able to work the way you’ve always wanted to!

BONUS, once the travel restrictions are lifted you can literally WORK FROM ANYWHERE. Talk about freedom!

  1. No more wondering what could have been

  2. No more worrying about how to generate revenue

  3. Just doing work you’re great at, for people you’re excited to work with, for good money.

Sounds dreamy, right?

What’s stopping you from launching your online offer?

Let’s be real.

Since the pandemic, things have been tough. It’s hard to know what actions to take. And it’s even more difficult to have the energy to take those actions!

It’s been tough for just about everyone…

  • Whether your business has had to close,

  • you’ve previously been employed,

  • your existing revenue streams have dried up or been reduced

  • You’re starting your side hustle or small business

Many are hoping things will return to “normal” soon, while others are relying on government assistance, paralyzed with indecision.

Truly, this is a time of unprecedented challenges.

But one thing has become clear; People are relying more on the internet more than ever - to get their groceries delivered, meet with friends and family and get professional services.

You can see the opportunities out there for you - but you haven’t been able to pull the trigger on your online offer because:

  1. You’re not EXACTLY sure what your offer is or how to best serve right now

  2. The technical stuff is intimidating and overwhelming

  3. You’ve got some uncertainty and anxiety on the go

  4. You don’t have a ton of money to spend on this

  5. You’re not sure where to even begin

PSA: You are not alone, weird or insufficient

Even before the pandemic, the online world was overwhelming.

It’s SO hard to know where to start, how much Cash-money you really need to launch and if you can ACTUALLY make money online, like all the cool cats and kittens.

This is as common as, well, pretty well everyone I work with. Chances are you are EXCELLENT at what you do - whether it’s home decor, wellness services or anything else - but odds are you’re not GREAT at online marketing . (Most people aren’t…it’s kind of a…specialized talent)

But you can make a different choice

Seven days from now, you could be

  • Still spinning your wheels

  • Stuck in fear, uncertainty and indecision

  • Unsure about what the future of your work looks like

Or you could have your actual offer LAUNCHED and live!

Let me tell you something…. There’s no big secret to creating an online offer that generates income.

Basically if you have the internet and an idea, you can have an online offer. 

You’ve seen these people; they’re all over the internet.

  • You don’t need a degree

  • You don’t need to know the right people

  • You don’t need to have been born with an iphone in your hand

You just need a plan, some support, accountability and a few basic tools. 

Yup that’s it.A plan, some support, accountability and a few basic tools. Pretty unsexy eh?

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THIS IS an opportunity

Economic downturns are calls to innovate and solve problems - and that’s what entrepreneurs do best!

There’s still plenty of money out there and lots of people with needs that aren’t being met right now.

  • It’s a chance to launch while other people are scrambling.

  • It’s a chance to capture market share while giant businesses are stuck in a holding pattern

  • It’s a chance to get in front of ALL those eyeballs online.

  • It’s your opportunity to get one on one training and support from me at way less than I usually charge…because I get it. Now is the time to be of service.

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here’s how most people are reacting..

Seven days from now:

  • Still stressed and paralyzed - wondering if they’ll even have a business or a roof over their head, after the pandemic

  • Reactive - letting circumstance dictate their bank balance and peace of mind.

  • Stuck - in the exact same place, waiting to see what will happen

  • Waiting - for things to go back to normal or for their government support cheque to come in.

Let me be clear.

Not everyone has the space, time, AND revenue to launch their online offer right now - and that’s OK - (WFH parents, I see you)

And even if you do have the mental space and stability and you’re ready to seize this opportunity - it doesn’t (unfortunately) make launching your offer any easier….

business can be hard, and we all need a little help:

1. With the tech:

  • Theory is great - but the practical application of an online offer is another thing. A million options and ways for things to go wrong stop even the most brilliant entrepreneurs from launching.

2. With the accountability:

  • No one will know if we don’t do that thing we told ourselves we would this week, so it doesn’t get done. Especially during the pandemic when working from home feels like all the days are blurring together.

3. With the marketing Skills: 

  • Of course you have skills, I just mean MARKETING skills: stuff like features and benefits, value propositions, target clients…I eat and breath this stuff and I’m excited to teach you how leveraging it translates to making bank.

4. With the plan:

  • How can you get there if you don’t know exactly, specifically where you’re going? This isn’t about info overload, it’s about a step by step, one day at a time, essentials only, plan of action to create the desired outcome.

5. With the Support:

  • Here’s a time and place to talk stuff out, get a second opinion, brainstorm, get your questions answered, get encouragement and feedback from another business owner; because sadly, pets and partners aren’t always the best fit.



If you’re ready to adapt, focus and make decisions quickly…

Your online offer can give you:

  • More freedom - to work when and where you want

  • More control - over when, how and why you get paid

  • More cash - additional revenue streams mean more take home

  • More confidence - you’ll have the tools, and a plan for selling online

  • More peace - that no matter what happens, you’ve adapted to the new economy

I am talking working from your PHONE - making money and being of service - doing what you do best.

By Enrolling in the create your offer in SEVEN DAYS program YOU WILL HAVE:

  1. Strengthened your financial fortress with an online offer

  2. Adapted to succeed in spite of the pandemic and uncertainty.

  3. Finally launched that idea you’ve been thinking about

  4. Overcome the reasons why you haven’t done this yet

  5. Simplified and automated your income

  6. Taken advantage of the increased demand for online services

  7. Freed your income stream from any specific location (hello work from anywhere!)

What real people say about their experience in this program

What actual people say about working with me

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7 days to launch is: 

A week-long *live* training program.

It’s an intensive, immersive training program designed and taught LIVE by moi - an entrepreneur with 17 years of hands on, in the trenches experience.

  • It’s 7 lessons total which provide specific, step by step exercises to help you launch your online offer in just one week.

  • You also get one on one support, provided two times within the week, to directly help you with any stumbling blocks.

  • You’ll also get access to the private Facebook group for this course.

  • Lastly, this is the lowest price package to get access to over 10 hours of personalized support, training, accountability and expertise.

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Who is this for?:

Creating An Online Offer
is for people like you.

Some people want to sell products online. They’re seeing how reliant we’ve become on online shopping and they want a piece of the action.

Others simply want to pivot to an online version of their brick and mortar offers, and good for them.

Other people are thinking their job won’t be there for them after unemployment, and EI doesn’t pay much anyway.

These folks just want to pay the bills and they’re realizing to do so, they need to take matters into their own hands.

Everyone is different, and that's cool!

This is simply about providing YOU with the info you need to launch AN online offer that works for you.

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in just 7 days 

You will walk away with.

  1. Foundational online marketing training: What you really need to know about selling and marketing online, delivered in plain language, for seven days, from yours truly

  2. Step-by-Step, in order, directions on what to do now to launch a great offer that will support you now and for years to come

  3. An online offer that works to generate money for you while you sleep

  4. Get shit done support system to actually make progress towards your goals

  5. Practical guidance to build a plan and optimize your day-to-day operations in order to achieve your personal version of success

  6. Lifetime access to this workshop

  7. Discounted access to further one on one work



About Laurel:

17 years of
delivering results

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Hi, Nice to meet you!

I’m a business and marketing consultant, mental health advocate and founder of multiple businesses.

An experienced entrepreneur, mentor, and acclaimed author and speaker. The founder of The New Media Group: a digital marketing agency, I’ve been supporting women and men in the workplace since 2003 through my courses, one on one work, speaking engagements and regular YouTube Videos. 

I have been featured on CNN, CTV and and am a three time RBC Entrepreneur of the year nominee

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I started working in Calgary, AB; managing 80 clients and 15 team members in a brick and mortar business. I was stressed and working long hours and then went through the 2008 global economic recession, which taught me I needed to diversify my income streams. Now I live and working between Victoria, BC; and Playa del Carmen, MX providing 7 different services - on my terms.

Now I am taking home more money, working less hours and love my work.

I want to share with you the things:

  • I learned the hard way.

  • I wish I’d known 10 years ago about surviving a recession

  • That have helped catapult me into a better business.

  • That have really worked to make money from the internet

for way less than I normally charge. For a limited time.


what real people say about taking online courses with me:



What you need and nothing you don’t to help you launch an online offer in just one week.

Online sales school for busy people who need real, practical tools to see results.

Daily training from yours truly to keep you motivated, encouraged, accountable and on track to building or rebuilding an offer that really serves you.

Only the most top rated, acclaimed and high performing systems and tools I’ve developed and actually use in my business and for my clients.

Brilliant tactics to help you reduce paperwork, get paid faster and take your business anywhere. 

Exactly how to train your customers to appreciate you, pay you what you’re worth and refer their friends. 

Support in helping you rebuild a sustainable business: this isn’t about burning out, working 12 hour days or pretending red bull is a food group.

Support in figuring out how to price yourself and develop your pricing models to get you out of scrambling, reaction mode, and into secure profitability.

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  • A course created by academics or people who haven’t actually been in the trenches of entrepreneurship

  • A partial training - in this program I reveal everything you need to know - no holding back, no up-sell, no leaving you hanging.

  • A quick fix, razzle dazzle, magic cure for all that ails you.

  • Information overload - a bunch of useless theory or fluff that won’t actually help you get where you’re going.

  • Another pre-recorded online program that will rot away on your computer


  • Your online offer, launched!

  • Structure, training, tools and mentorship in developing an offer that helps you build or rebuild a business that actually supports your ideal life.

  • A real plan, policies and roadmap to help you market and sell online - that you can use and re-use for life.



1 - What problem you solve - and how to articulate it so people buy

This is an incredible opportunity to profit by solving problems. Get clear and get it online.

2- Who do you solve the problem for - and what do they care about.

Understand your customers and what they need to know to trust you. And then providing it.

3- What’s the offer - what are you going to provide:

What are the features and benefits? What’s the availability and how do people order? These questions answered

4- How much is it? Getting clear on pricing, profits and getting paid

Evaluating the best price, package, promo and payment set up

5- Creating your payment buttons so you get paid online and automatically

Creating your paypal business account, and payment buttons

6- Building your offer page:

Copy and paste the answers to the questions above and format the page.

7- Promoting your offer: 

Paid and free options for promoting your offer, what results to expect and how to increase them.

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Calendar stuff:

When are we doing this?

September 12th 2020 is the last day to register.

We begin September 15th and your offer will be done by September 23rd!

give it to me straight:



Look, I’ve spent 10’s of thousands of hours and dollars on coaches, courses and workshops.

I have mentors, accountability partners and success partners. I’ve read hundreds of books on business and I’ve distilled all that, plus 17 years real world experience into training you can actually use.

Clients pay me $8,000 + for strategy development and $6,000+ for one on one work.

But I am offering this as affordably as I can, due to the circumstances

Over 10 hours of support, training, accountability and expertise, for under $1000.

How about $721 ?

get it: 7 days - 2 one on ones - 1 offer, launched!

Plus, it’s risk free. If you don’t get value - I’ll give you your money back - you just have to show me you’ve been doing the work in the course .


Option One:


When you click this button you'll be redirected to Paypal, where you can pay by visa/mastercard/debit card. Once you complete your information, and complete the checkout process, your spot will be confirmed!

Option Two:

3 instalments of $241

When you click this button you'll be redirected to Paypal, where you can pay by visa/mastercard/debit card. Once you complete your information, and complete the checkout process, you’ll get instant access to the course.

7 Days To Launch - 3 month installment plan
Number of payments 3
Start payments At checkout
At checkout$241.00 CAD
Every 4 weeks (x 2)$241.00 CAD
Total $723.00 CAD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
Sign up for

Option THREE:

12 Instalments of $60

When you click this button you'll be redirected to Paypal, where you can pay by visa/mastercard/debit card. Once you complete your information, and complete the checkout process, you’ll get instant access to the course.

Not sure if this is for you?

Book a 20 minute call with me, here!