Laurel Anne Stark presents at Vancouver Conference Centre for OCOW

Access the presentation here.

A core component of my decolonization work is centering and uplifting the critical work of Indigenous-led organisations. I was recently invited to do exactly that at the Our Children Our Way Conference, where I had the privilege of presenting to a room full of people working at the forefront of Indigenous Child and Family Services.

These incredible people, while working within a colonial framework, are taking powerful steps to decolonize from within, creating a culturally-safe, community-centered approach to child care. I had the privilege of presenting ways to merge modern technology and ancient wisdom to increase their impact.

I shared the lessons learned from collaborating, partnering with, and serving Indigenous leaders, communities and organizations through my work as lead storyteller at

I’m Laurel Anne Stark and I’m a storyteller, decolonial justice advocate, technologist, and thought leader working to break us free from the colonial-capitalist patriarchal system that divides us and undermines our wellbeing.

If you’d like to join me on this journey, I encourage you to follow me on socials and sign up for my newsletter.

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Yours in Solidarity, 
